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The Dean


The Very Rev. Michael Davies

Anglican Dean of Ballarat


The Very Rev’d. Michael Davies has served as the Anglican Dean of Ballarat since February 2022.


Ordained priest in the Diocese of Newcastle NSW in 2000, Michael has served as rector in both rural and urban parishes. Between 2012-2014, Michael enjoyed a two year stint in sector-ministry as an Associate Chaplain with the Mission to Seafarers at the Port of Newcastle, before returning to parish ministry on the NSW Central Coast. 


Michael holds a Bachelor of Arts degree - majoring in classics and history,
and a Master of Theology degree.


Michael enjoys walking around Lake Wendouree, listening to classical and
choral music - especially that of Edward Elgar - and finishing the day with the occasional glass of Ballantines and soda. 

Associate clergy


The Rt. Rev. Dr Mark Burton


+Mark was ordained deacon and priest in Melbourne in 1990 in Melbourne and held a series of appointments including Archbishop’s Chaplain. He served as a chaplain in the Royal Australian Navy until 2006, when he was consecrated
as a bishop in the diocese of Perth. +Mark is married to Rena.



The Rev. Anne McKenna


Anne was born in Ireland but is very much an Aussie. She worked in the health sector before answering God’s call to Ministry. She studied theology at St Mark’s College Canberra and Charles Sturt University. Anne was one of the first women ordained in Ballarat Diocese.

Following her retirement from Parish life she travelled Australia for two years before finally settling in Ballarat.


The Rev. Dr Mark Garner


Rev. Dr Mark Garner taught language and communication at universities in several countries. After ordination into the Scottish Episcopal Church, he served for 8 years as Head of a C of E university college in London. He conducts regular series of Bible studies at the cathedral; they are also available on Zoom for the whole diocese.


The Rev. Grant Bullen


Grant worked mainly as a parish priest in Adelaide and Melbourne, but also in clergy formation and church welfare (Anglicare). His special focus in ministry is contemplative spirituality. He is an experienced retreat conductor, spiritual director and teacher in spiritual formation. In partnership with the Cathedral, Grant cares for Quiet Voice,

a ministry in spirituality.

Employed staff


Lyndell Allen


Director of Music


Leigh Askew

Cathedral Organist

Volunteer Lay Leaders

Adam Blackmore

Head Server & Sacristan

Cathedral Council Secretary


Lois Byrnes

Cathedral Shop


Gillian Canavan

Cathedral Council Treasurer 


Carol Cochrane

Children’s ministry


Rod Cochrane
Children’s ministry


Sheena Johnson
Health & Safety Coordinator


Lorraine Jones

Music Librarian


Mary Mitchell
Pew Sheet Editor


Wayne Mitchell
Parish Recorder


Mike Robins
Property Warden


Bron Sozanski
Concert Coordinator


Maria Sozanski
Floral Coordinator

Catering Manager (external events)


Euan Thompson


Louise Tonkin
Hospitality Coordinator


Annette Vaarzon Morel
Health & Safety Coordinator


Cath Zala
People’s Warden, Safe Church Officer, Roster Clerk

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