The Anglican Diocese of Ballarat
49 Lydiard Street South, Ballarat
Weddings, Baptisms & Funerals
​Marriage is an important decision in people’s lives and by getting married at the Cathedral you are not only making your love for each other public in a magnificent, awe-inspiring building, you are also declaring your love for each other before Almighty God. Getting married here adds an extra dimension to the vows made in the marriage service and we pray for God’s blessing on your future life together. We are able to offer packages to suit every budget, from a simple, said ceremony for a just few guests, to a spectacular ceremony with flowers and music performed by our professional cathedral organist or local musicians. We support couples in the planning of the wedding ceremony and spend time discussing the shape of the service itself and what the promises made mean for your future life together.
Confirmation compliments baptism by sealing and strengthening the believer to live as a child of God, through the power of the Holy Spirit. The ordinary minister of the sacrament is a bishop who - through the “laying on of hands” and “anointing with chrism oil” - invokes the presence of the Holy Spirit on the baptized person. In this powerful encounter with God, we experience again the grace of Pentecost when the Holy Spirit descended upon Mary and the Apostles! Confirmation is a special church service in which a person confirms the promises that were made when they were baptized. If you were baptized at a christening when you were a child, your parents and godparents made these promises on your behalf. As a young person or adult, you may be ready to affirm these promises for yourself and commit your life to following Jesus Christ. At a confirmation service, you make these promises for yourself. Your friends and family as well as the local Christian community will be there to promise to support and pray for you. Contact us if you want to know more.
Baptisms usually take place throughout the year during the main Sunday Eucharist at 10am and there may be more than one child (or adult) being baptised at this special service. This is a joyful occasion when the whole church family gathers together to welcome their newest members. It is important that the newly baptised and their families feel part of the Christian community as Baptism is just the beginning of living out the Christian life. Here at the Cathedral we try to provide opportunities for you and your child to grow in your faith. There are also opportunities to learn more about the Christian faith as an adult. You may wish to be baptised yourself or you may wish to affirm your own baptismal promises and commit more fully to live the Christian life in a special service of 'Confirmation'. We host a variety of worship here at the Cathedral and there are various ways you can get involved in Cathedral life. Please get in touch if you want to explore anything further and we'd be happy to chat.
At the Cathedral we regularly celebrate the lives of those who have died, in the hope that funerals and memorial services may help the beginning of healing the wounds of grief. We do so in the belief in God, the source and giver of life. God’s good news proclaims Jesus Christ to be our living Lord, who laid down his life for us. He knew death, yet triumphed over it, drawing its sting, and was raised by God to new life. Christians affirm the presence of the Spirit of Christ, who helps us in our weakness. Yet we, with all mortals, still face death. Those who put their trust in Christ share the sufferings of their Lord, even in the midst of God’s love and care. Funerals and Memorial Services proclaim our hope in the face of death: Jesus’ resurrection is the promise of our own. From our experience, we are aware that death of a loved one could take us by surprise and you may not know where to begin. Don’t despair! We are here to help. To enquire about a Funeral or Memorial service, please contact us.